ACS 9/22 - VAB STI

Finally got the chance to drive the STI in favorable conditions after the most recent changes. If you saw the last post I made regarding a track day I attended at Willow Springs, you'll realize it was pretty much a total shit show. 110F weather, a new track surface that was really slippery, an abundance of traffic, and the list goes on.

After speaking with friends who frequently attend track days there and showing them in car footage, they said I could have run times approx 4-5 seconds quicker, if the conditions weren't so bad; meaning I would have been in the 1:28-1:29 range. That's awesome because sub 1:30 was my goal. So, knowing I'm on pace is a great feeling, but it's also frustrating knowing I could've had it, but the stars just didn't align.

Oh well. Off to Autoclub Speedway. Last time I was here, the car was bone stock aside from HC800 pads and some front camber bolts. My best time was a 2:00.39 and that was also during a day that was seeing temps in around 95F, which still isn't ideal. Since then, I've added much better brakes, much grippier tires, and a much needed alignment change paired with some stiffer springs to help the rear rotate. This time out, the temps were below 80F most of the day and I went into the first session feeling really really good.

The only issue was that I was working at this event as a driving instructor. I help new drivers who have never set foot on a track get to grips with driving in an HPDE environment and help teach them some basic car control techniques on the skidpad. That being said, my seat time for the day was going to be limited, so I had to make every session count.

I'll just start off by saying the Zestino 07RS are no joke. Last time I came to ACS was a year ago and I ran a 2:00.39. Down the front straight, my trap speed was around 120mph, then I'd lift off the throttle a bit and slow down to get my bank speed between 110-115. That was on OEM tires. With the 07RS, I trapped 131mph down the straight and 133mph through the bank. Yeah, I gained another 2mph going through the bank. I was 100% pinned the entire time. To go one step further, I'll tell you right now that the tires were not even the limiting factor to the speed. It was the power. The car still has stock power and with the throttle 100% down, it just didn't have the grunt to keep accelerating. If it did, I think I could linger close to 140mph on the bank.

To put that into perspective. The fast Nissan GTR drivers that run full bolt ons, E85, and 285-315 width R Comps touch 140mph through the bank. Meanwhile, I'm 7mph less in a stock powered STI on 245 width Zestinos with room to go even faster. If that doesn't tell you that these tires are just ridiculous, I don't know what will.

Here's a comparison video between my STI and a GTR running FBO+E85+R Comps. His lap is much faster than mine, but the bank isn't that far off. Only difference is he's trapping 160mph down the bank, while I'm still at 130. Needless to say, I'm shocked and super hyped that the tires not only gave the car the ability to do that, but gave me the confidence to even attempt it. No way in hell would I have tried that with the OEM Dunlops the STIs come with.

The rest of the course surprisingly showed not much of a difference compared to before. I believe that's because all of the corners are really slow and tight, meaning you really have to use the power to accelerate out. I can tell there's more grip through the corners, but the car just doesn't have the power to really take advantage of the straights and bring down the lap time. My personal best for the day was a 1:58.2. Considering that the car is on stock power, street tires, and very basic suspension and brake mods, I think that's a time for me to be proud of.

I really wanted to get into the 1:55s, but it just isn't in the cards right now. I know that with more seat time and improvement, I can get the time down another second or so and scrape into the mid-high 1:56 range, but it's hard to imagine 1:55s right now. It's not because of the tires though. I believe it's my skill level and the lower power that is going to keep it from going much quicker.

Proper ECU tuning would give the car roughly 80wtq more in the mid range which would launch this car out of the corners. That by itself would easily gain me over a second. I could go on and on about things I could do that would get my time down, but really it comes down to me being able to improve and better myself to get the time down and not relying on power and mods to do it.

But here's the thing: I know the 1:55 range can be hit, but I have to tie everything together on the infield to make it happen. I almost feel like I HAVE to do it now.

Yesterday lit the competitive fire inside me again. I haven't felt so driven to hit a goal behind the wheel like this in years. Truth be told, I honestly have to thank the Zestino Tires for doing it. It sounds crazy, but if the tires gave me the ability and confidence to increase my bank speed by over 20mph and not even lift the throttle, I know the car is now capable of so much more on the infield. It's just a matter of me pushing and bettering myself to make it happen.


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